The importance of being acknowledged...

"Potted" 24 x 36 acrylic,  awarded Honorable Mention at 2014 Aquarius Exhibition (sold)
The act of painting, in and of itself is fulfilling, but it is also nice to be noticed, to be acknowledged, because it is affirming.  At yesterday's opening reception of our local art exhibit, Aquarius, I received an Honorable Mention for the painting above.  I was especially pleased to receive an award  for this particular painting because of how it came about.  I began this painting as a non-representational abstract, but began to see flowers and pots emerging, so I went with it.  In an effort to keep the image loose, I painted much of this painting using small scraps of  matboard in place of a brush.  It was a fun painting to do and I think my playfulness is evident. 


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