It's About Time

I have recently been reading about the importance of doing still-life painting on a regular basis to hone skills.  That has always sounded grueling to me, so I have opted for plein air painting, painting from photos, splashing paint on paper randomly, just about anything to avoid still life.  However, I realize that usually what I avoid is what I need the most, and also that I need to do something to work on my problem areas (that covers a lot of ground!).  So, last night I decided to bite the bullet and "just do it."  I set up a small still life and, working in watercolor, began to paint a little study it.  I actually had FUN!  I've decided to do the same study in oil.  Maybe I'll finish them, maybe I won't.  But I can already feel the energy and excitement building within me.  I guess this really is what I needed.  Go figure!

Still life with white pitcher...watercolor in progress!


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